The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! I thought it would be interesting to talk about and give my opinions on the culture surrounding sneakers since big shoe brands have started to polarize and define the fashion industry frequently. New Balance has been a staple to many demographic’s fashions. From middle-aged dads to sneakerheads, New Balance has maintained a presence in the shoe industry. Perhaps it’s because of their versatility, or because of their constancy, but New Balance has always stuck to their traditional designs and never falters, even as competition increases. It’s also notable that the brand has even gained popularity and value in the past year due to the rise of the “ugly sneaker trend.” Balenciaga and other big brands have swept sneaker culture with the introduction of chunky, vibrant shoes, and New Balance has found its place perfectly in this new trend. Their most popular shoe, the 990, has barely changed in design since its introduction and remains a staple to many closets across the country. Even Barack Obama owns a pair. I think it’s a reasonable prediction that New Balance will only continue to make reliable sneakers for anyone who needs a pair.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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